9 Jul

Video: How & why IIoT can help your factory

How and why IIoT can help your factory. Cyber-merging IoT design and manufacturing.

Industry 4.0
Smart Factory
Video: How & why IIoT can help your factory

Merging factory design & manufacturing with IIoT

In this nine-minute video, "Cyber-merging IoT Design and Manufacturing," Bruce Sinclair from The Internet of Things IoT Inc Business Channel interviews Helmuth Ludwig, Chief Manufacturing Officer at Siemens PLM Software.

Speed, efficiency and flexibility: The Industrial Internet, Industry 4.0 or IIoT—no matter how you slice it, Helmuth Ludwig says, the value of using of digital technology and combining "the virtual and real worlds" is clear. Doing so with data collection, performance monitoring, and OEE monitoring, for example, can help factories "bring products to market faster, do it highly efficiently and have flexibility when market demands shift." 

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