25 Jan

The Importance of Smart Software in Manufacturing

Worximity’s smart software can help your factory go further and work smarter, not harder. Here is why smart software is important.

Lean Manufacturing
Smart Factory
The Importance of Smart Software in Manufacturing

Smart software is leading the way to greater productivity across all manufacturing sectors including food, beverage, and consumer products. Advances in factory interconnectivity, data collection, and analytics are providing production managers with new and improved tools for monitoring and controlling manufacturing operations. According to an article produced by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and published in Science Direct, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) is creating opportunities for manufacturers never before seen.

IIoT allows new and unprecedented interactions among hardware, software, and humans. Adopting the capability of IIoT with artificial intelligence tools, manufacturing systems become smart with unprecedented gains in production agility, quality, and efficiency.

A vital component of an integrated manufacturing system is the overarching smart software system that interconnects each component. Worximity’s Smart Factory analytics software is just such a system, capable of linking the many diverse elements of any manufacturing operation. Smart software drives this system through automated data collection, real-time data analysis, and simplified access to data analysis results.

Implement Successful Industrial Internet of Things 

To capture the benefits of smart software-based integrated performance tracking, careful planning and execution of system implementation are essential. Based on in-depth experience working with food, beverage, and consumer products manufacturers, Worximity has identified five critical success factors that serve as a guide for an effective smart factory analytics implementation. These are:

  1. Using a “walk before you run” philosophy
  2. Setting achievable goals
  3. Identifying your champion and your team
  4. Selecting test program platform
  5. Including the forgotten IIoT critical success factor: process

These five essential steps can be further expanded into a smart software implementation plan or road map outlining each step in the implementation process.

Design a System That Provides Actionable Data and Analytics

Smart software is flexible, configurable, and delivers results in real time. This allows each manufacturer to define the specific information and KPIs the system should collect and measure. Systems can then provide real-time operating data such as downtime, speeds, feed, quality measures, and out-of-stock conditions. By tracking in real time, custom performance indicators, individual employees, supervisors, production managers, or plant managers can monitor the ongoing production of stations, lines, departments, or entire plants.

Current manufacturing technologies are not only cost-effective but can be implemented in stages to allow companies to grow into a final configuration. Implementing smart factories through the integration of data collection sensors, equipment controls, and smart software platforms allows companies to reduce costs and improve quality along the entire supply chain. Companies that fail to stay ahead of the curve will fall farther behind as competitors embrace smart factory methodologies and continue to improve marketplace performance.

Capture Benefits Using System Results for Process Improvements

Because results are given in real time, not only can current production and performance be monitored as it happens, but it is also possible to closely track actual performance improvements as changes are made to processes or procedures. To fully realize smart factory benefits, forward-looking companies launch continuous improvement programs designed to utilize real-time system data to develop process and production improvements.  

Worximity’s Smart Factory analytics software supports a company’s performance improvement efforts and operating goals. Digital data capture sensors (TileConnect smart sensors) are connected to equipment and collect ongoing, real-time production data during process runs. This data is electronically transmitted to the cloud for storage and analysis. Worximity's Smart Factory analytics software then analyzes the data according to each company’s unique preconfigured output requirements. 

These results are then presented on monitors (TileBoards) located throughout the factory.  The results can also be sent to phones, handhelds, or laptops, depending on the configuration. By monitoring the ongoing status of production processes, employees can intervene to make line changes or process adjustments as operating conditions warrant.

Worximity can assist your company to become a smart factory. Using our state-of-the-art smart software analytics and real-time data collection sensors and monitors, we can help your management team achieve higher performance through predefined KPI analytics and real-time production monitoring. To see how we can work together to improve shop floor management with smart software, check out our e-book or contact us today to request a demo.  

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