Dans le monde des logiciels, nous sommes percutés à des clients trop occupés, en manque de ressources où les priorités passent aux opérations quotidiennes.
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Oct 2018
L'intelligence artificielle: un virage nécessaire
On vous propose un article provenant de La Presse soulignant le succès de l'implémentation de cette technologie émergente au sein de certaines entre entreprises d'ici.
May 2018
The Power of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
The Manufacturer’s Annual Manufacturing Report 2018 found that 92% of senior manufacturing executives believe that ‘Smart Factory’ digital technologies – including Artificial Intelligence – will enable them to increase their productivity levels and empower staff to work smarter.
Jun 2018
Visualize the uses of AI and analytics with this interactive tool
McKinsey's interactive data visualization shows the potential value created by artificial intelligence and other analytics techniques for 19 industries and nine business functions.