20 Aug

TED Talk: Why Productivity and Flexibility in IIoT Matter

What if existing manufacturing companies and large technological innovations came together to create the next big manufacturing reinvention? IIoT enables continuous improvement and sustainable growth. In this TED Talk, Olivier Scalabre explains how and why.

Continuous Improvement
Industry 4.0
Lean Manufacturing
Smart Factory
TED Talk: Why Productivity and Flexibility in IIoT Matter

What if existing manufacturing companies and large technological innovations came together to create the next big manufacturing reinvention? In this TED Talk, Industrial systems thinker and head of BCG's Operations Practice for Western Europe, North Africa and South America Olivier Scalabre talks about how "how a fourth manufacturing revolution will produce a macroeconomic shift and boost employment, productivity and growth.analyzes the evolution of large industrial companies' manufacturing footprint and operations.” 




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