9 Jun

How to Transform Your Continuous Improvement Plan from Paper to Digital

Find out how your continuous improvement plan can benefit from going from paper to digital.

Continuous Improvement
Machine Monitoring
Production Monitoring
Smart Factory
How to Transform Your Continuous Improvement Plan from Paper to Digital

Creating a continuous improvement plan for your manufacturing operation is a big step in the right direction. Any business can see considerable benefits as a result of developing and implementing changes to its manufacturing methods and processes based on carefully thought-out improvement efforts. However, basing improvement decisions on manually collected data can mean your plant receives only a portion of available benefits.  

The Downside of Manually Collected Data

Difficulties using manually collected data arise due to problems that reduce the value of the results. These problems limit the benefits of manually developed continuous improvement plans. Some of the disadvantages of manual data collection include:

  • Recording errors
  • Delays generating reports and analysis
  • Significant staff hours required
  • Limited scope and number of operations that can be studied
  • Considerable training and high-quality staff needed

You can quickly and easily convert your continuous improvement plan from manual to digital with Worximity’s Smart Factory analytics system. Switching from a manual data collection approach to an automated process offers several significant advantages:

  • Worximity’s system is easy and fast to set up.
  • ROI is quick, and ongoing operating costs are less than a manual system.
  • Automatic data collection allows for broader data capture so more processes and operations can be included, leading to a more inclusive continuous improvement plan.
  • Data are captured and analyzed in real time so managers and employees can view up-to-the-minute operating results and respond immediately to changes, should they occur.
  • Trend charts and analyses have greater depth and, therefore, uncover operating improvements not easily identified using a manual system. 

How Worximity’s System Works

The process for setting up the Worximity Smart Factory analytics system is straightforward and quick. First, TileConnect sensors (data capture devices) are attached to the equipment to be monitored. These sensors capture real-time data about such things as feeds, speeds, downtime, product quantity, and other critical process information. 

The collected data is then sent to the cloud, where Worximity's Smart Factory software completes an analysis based on each customer's specifications. The results are then displayed on TileBoards, or monitors, located throughout the factory. Employees and managers can then view ongoing results and can react immediately to process changes should that be needed.

Equally important, however, is that the data and analysis can be used as a basis for continuous improvement plans. For example, trends in overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) for a machine or process line can be charted to show improving or declining line efficiencies. Problems, such as excess downtime, can be identified and their causes documented.

Automate Your Data and Integrate It into Your Continuous Improvement Plan

 A continuous improvement plan is generally made up of the following seven steps:

  1. Identify an improvement opportunity
  2. Analyze performance and conditions using tools such as root cause analysis
  3. Develop and plan actions to correct or improve the situation
  4. Implement corrective steps
  5. Measure the effects of the changes and track improvement dollars or time
  6. Make adjustments as needed
  7. Ensure the changes are permanent

Each of these steps is important to the overall success of any improvement program. Nevertheless, identifying and analyzing a problem area requires the right amount of timely and accurate data. Worximity’s Smart Factory analytics system is designed to provide the amount and kind of data needed to identify and correct process problems. 

If you are collecting manufacturing data manually, you may be missing some important and valuable opportunities. Slow reporting, inaccurate data, and limited visibility can cause you to overlook areas that could be improved. Utilizing automated data capture and analysis can open up a range of possibilities. Use the following steps to enhance the value of your data.

1. Review Your Data Requirements

Data you are currently collecting manually—and other relevant data—can be gathered by Worximity’s Smart Factory analytics system. Identify the data needed to address the most critical problem areas.

2. Implement Worximity’s Smart Factory Analytics

Worximity's Smart Factory analytics is a customizable system that allows data collection across equipment, process lines, or entire factories. Initially, select the most troublesome area needing attention. Time to implement is short, and data collection can begin within days.

3. Substitute Real-Time Process Data for Manual Data

Begin using the Smart Factory analytics to pinpoint areas of opportunity or verify improvements you have already identified. From this data, develop improvement actions and plan a program of implementation.

One of the essential metrics when conducting a continuous improvement plan is OEE analysis. This value provides insight into process lines' efficiencies and gives immediate feedback when problems occur. Worximity is offering an in-plant OEE trial with complete setup of our software and analysis of one of your plant’s pieces of equipment. 

Not only will you see the benefits of Worximity's automated system, but you also gather actual operating data, gain insight into improvement opportunities, and learn how your plan stacks up against industry benchmarks. Connect with Worximity today to see if your plant qualifies. The trial is a great way to see what is possible at your factory—and how Worximity can help.


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