2 Mar

Blog Review: How AI Will Change Businesses Decision Making

We review the article from the Supply Chain Game Changer Blog about Artificial Intelligence, AI data-based models for better decision making and augmented intelligence which will eventually spread to manufacturing.

Artificial Intelligence
Blog Review: How AI Will Change Businesses Decision Making

The Supply Chain Game Changer blog, awarded one of the Top 75 Suplly Chain Blog, recently publised " How Artificial Intelligence (AI) Will Change Decision Making for Businesses!". They talk about three recognized levels in the AI spectrum: Assisted Intelligence, Augmented Intelligence and Autonomous Intelligence.

They also discussed automation, AI and made-to-order: "Through AI-supported monitoring and control, retailers can accurately predict and respond to product demand."

"The automation efficiency lent by artificial intelligence to today’s business processes has gone beyond the assembly lines of the past. In several business functions, such as marketing and distribution, AI has been able to hasten processes and provide decision-makers with reliable insight."

They also suggest that the data-based models relying on artificial intelligence will completly change the decision making process of executives who used to rely on inconsistent and incomplete data.

"Prior to the resurgence of AI and its eventual commercial application, executives have had to rely on inconsistent and incomplete data. With artificial intelligence, they have data-based models and simulations to turn to."

As a recently appointed member of the ScaleAI group, Worximity will play a role in the spread of AI to manufacturing businesses as we are already helping our client to monitor their operations in real-time and to use our manufacturing analytics to improve their efficiency.

To read the full article: https://supplychaingamechanger.com/how-artificial-intelligence-ai-will-change-decision-making-for-businesses/

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