11 Jul

Worximity's TileBoard: Monitoring Typical Meat Processing KPIs

This infographic shows Wx's TileBoard and a typical meat processing map from start to finish.

Food Manufacturing IIoT
Industry 4.0
Smart Factory
Smart Meat Processing
Worximity's TileBoard: Monitoring Typical Meat Processing KPIs


The smart factory set-up using the Worximity TileBoard Production Process

The infographic below outlines the typical KPIs monitored in the deli meat production process from start to finish with Worximity TileBoard in place. Worximity connects all type of machines and all brands : CEIA, Loma, Mettler Toledo, RiceLake, Bizerba.

  1. Uptime
  2. Downtime
  3. Production Rate
  4. Productivity KPIs

This case study based on the Voltigeurs Poultry Farm experience sheds light on how to achieve increased productivity, yield and profitability as a smart factory using TileBoard.

Learn about how to gain real time production insights and schedule a discovery call with a Worximity expert. Find out how to implement the process in your food and beverage factory.



Did you read all of the posts in our 5-part series? If not, you can easily access them by clicking here:

>>> KPI #1 - Downtime

>>> KPI #2 - Rejects Identified by Metal Detectors 

>>> KPI #3 - Meat Temperature

>>> KPI #4 - Yield

>>> KPI #5 - Overproduction (giveaway)

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Download the ebook
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