29 Mar

Smart Factory Infographic, The Digital Transformation Pyramid

Author Patrick Turchi from The Digital Transformation People create a sharp Pyramid schema to summarize The Digital Transformation Pyramid: A Business-driven Approach for Corporate Initiatives where we can see smart factory technologies as the foundation of the transformation.

Smart Factory
Smart Factory Infographic, The Digital Transformation Pyramid

In a recent article published on https://www.thedigitaltransformationpeople.com, author Patrick Turchi presents 3 levels on which Digital Transformation needs to be approached within corporates: Strategy, Execution, Technology.

 The Pyramid visual he drafted clearly present the different compenents and we clearly see how smart factory technologies are at the base of the digital transformation.



SOURCE: https://www.thedigitaltransformationpeople.com/channels/the-case-for-digital-transformation/digital-transformation-pyramid-business-driven-approach-corporate-initiatives/

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