13 Nov

IIoT and Its' Rise in the Manufacturing Industry

Here we discuss the rise of IIoT technologies in manufacturing.

IIoT and Its' Rise in the Manufacturing Industry

The IIoT is on the rise, transforming the manufacturing industry and creating what people call a Fourth Industrial Revolution or ‘Industry 4.0’. The digital connectivity of machines to other machines, to manufacturing operational systems and to the ‘connected worker’ is driving unprecedented increases in productivity and elimination of waste and cost. 

Implementing IIoT solutions is driving competitive advantage for forward thinking companies.

Below we summarize some of the key findings from research, studies, surveys and trends on the IIoT and its role in industry. These findings give us a clear understanding of the role and importance of the IIoT in the manufacturing industry today as well as its future growth across many manufacturing markets.

Clearly there's something going on here!

To learn why companies are rapidly embracing IIoT technologies, learn about the Benefits of IIoT Technologies for Manufacturers here. 

Interested in learning about a simple to implement manufacturing IIoT solution with fast ROI? Reach out to a Smart Factory Analytics solution consultant below!



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