4 Jun

Do you welcome technological change or shy away from it?

Industry 4.0 is transforming industries through automation and real-time data. For those who have enabled Industry 4.0 already, they are already at an advantage,

Industry 4.0
Do you welcome technological change or shy away from it?

The Manufacturer published an article about the challenges from benefitting from new technology.

They gave the example of the invention of the light bulb in the late-1870s and the 40 years gap between establishing electricity as a commodity to the 20s’ soaring manufacturing rates. It’s clear that new technology like this does not delver instant results. The author draws a parallel between electricity and industry 4.0

The disparity between those who embrace change and those who do not is being further widened by Industry 4.0. Dubbed the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’, Industry 4.0 is transforming industries through automation and real-time data.

One example of this is condition monitoring, the process of using technology to monitor the state of machinery to detect significant change and therefore problems.

Instrumental in predictive maintenance, condition monitoring can involve techniques such as vibration and lubricant analysis, as well as acoustic emissions.


Industry 4.0 is transforming industries through automation and real-time data. For those who have enabled Industry 4.0 already, they are already at an advantage, as they are able to anticipate when maintenance work will be required, in turn reducing the impact unplanned downtime can have.


Those who are unaware of the potential of Industry 4.0 are unable to access this level of insight, putting them at an automatic disadvantage.

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