28 Nov

Baking Industry 4.0 : Dough

Second blog of our series of 5. Discover the local baking company Novali and the results from their 4.0 practices.

Industry 4.0
Baking Industry 4.0 : Dough

Novali's, initially Pâtes et Croûtes, story began in 1991 when the founding couple sold the butcher and bakery shop they had been running for over 12 years to follow their baking passion and pursue their pie-dough project. With an old family pie crust recipe, they began focusing on large-scale production of pie dough. Fast forward ten years later, their tremendous success has allowed them to open a facility in Boucherville, Quebec and further expand their offering, which now includes muffins, cookies and raw dough in various flavours. Novali has vowed to develop new markets and focus on innovation, leading them to obtain the GFSI (SQF Level 2) certification being the highest certification in the agro-food industry.

Shifting to a 4.0 Factory

Following their devotion to innovation, Novali empowered their factory by teaming with Worximity back in June of 2017. Since then, four of our sensors have been installed in their plant and a fifth one is soon to be added. They can be found on production lines for muffin and cookie transformation as well as packaging lines. For optimal monitoring, the company went for our level three Smart Factory Analytics. This level permits plant managers to compare and predict the performance between shifts, production lines, products, and factories. In Novali's case, a particular focus was put on better understanding downtimes to further increase production rates.


Their results have spoken for themselves. Overall, the baking company was able to noticeably improve the production capacity of their production lines. In the past year, they've seen a 20 percent increase in their total availability.



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