29 Mar

Smart Factory Infographic, The Digital Transformation Pyramid

Author Patrick Turchi from The Digital Transformation People create a sharp Pyramid schema to summarize The Digital Transformation Pyramid: A Business-driven Approach for Corporate Initiatives where we can see smart factory technologies as the foundation of the transformation.

Smart Factory
Infographie sur l'usine intelligente, la pyramide de la transformation numérique

In a recent article published on https://www.thedigitaltransformationpeople.com, author Patrick Turchi presents 3 levels on which Digital Transformation needs to be approached within corporates: Strategy, Execution, Technology.

 The Pyramid visual he drafted clearly present the different compenents and we clearly see how smart factory technologies are at the base of the digital transformation.



SOURCE: https://www.thedigitaltransformationpeople.com/channels/the-case-for-digital-transformation/digital-transformation-pyramid-business-driven-approach-corporate-initiatives/

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