13 Feb

OEE Increase of 34% in a Plastics Plant

Since implementing Worximity's technologies, IML PLASTX has seen a decrease in downtime and a significant increase in overall efficiency.

Smart Factory
Augmentation de 34 % de l'OEE dans une usine de matières plastiques

Since implementing Worximity's technologies, IML PLASTX has seen a decrease in downtime and a significant increase in overall efficiency. It now manufactures top quality products.

IML PLASTX Inc. is a manufacturer of plastic food containers located in Drummondville. Its managers’ vision, commitment by staff and quality management policy make this manufacturing company one of the best companies in the field of food packaging.

"Innovation and new technologies have always been in the IML PLASTX team’s blood. Our company was ready to make the shift to Industry 4.0 and Worximity was an affordable and simple solution to make our factory smart and increase our overall efficiency.” President, IML PLASTX

IML PLASTX did not have any real-time data, and employees' speed to respond to downtime was limited by late delivery of production reports. The customer wanted to ensure that his equipment was working at optimal speed using previously established and realistic benchmarks.

The key objectives were to monitor equipment performance in real time, based on the molds used, and to maximize production through better control. The company also wanted to become a paperless environment by digitizing its forms.

In just a few months, IML PLASTX has seen a 15% decrease in downtime thanks to better and quicker responses by employees, as well as a 34% increase in overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) and improvements in product quality.

"Tileboard has allowed us to adjust our equipment capabilities based on the molds used and data history; because of this, we have been able to optimize the use of our machines according to the products.” - Moussa Loum, IML PLASTX, Plant Manager and TileBoard Champion


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