21 Feb

Improving the Future of Food & Agriculture with AI and Tech

With a world population that is set to experience tremendous growth, the food and agriculture industry will have to review its practices to minimize its impact on the environment.

Artificial Intelligence
Food Manufacturing IIoT
Améliorer l'avenir de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture grâce à l'IA et à la technologie

The world population growth is a societal concern that is set to impact many industries. With a current population of 7.6 billion people, expected to rise to 8.6 billion by 2030, many are concerned with the economical and mostly environmental impacts of this significant growth. As the population gets richer, more are prone to consume processed foods, meat as well as dairy, which require a larger amount of resources and have a more important environmental footprint. Agriculture and farming being amongst the greatest contributors to global warming, measures have to be adopted in order to solve this matter or minimally reduce its repercussions. Growing on existing lands, using resources more efficiently and reducing food waste already represent a step in the right direction.



A question that can also be asked is if technology can play a role when taking these actions and the answer is absolutely! The following chart proposes twenty different ways through which artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies can be useful to bring these measures to life.



 To get more details about each of those applications, click on the link here


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