9 Aug

Video: Top 3 Disruptive Technologies to Impact Food Supply Chain

Video on how big data analytics, the digital supply chain, and the Internet of Things are expected to have the biggest impact upon the future of the food supply chain.

Industry 4.0
Smart Factory
Success Stories
Vidéo : Les 3 principales technologies perturbatrices qui auront un impact sur la chaîne d'approvisionnement alimentaire

Big data analytics, the digital supply chain, and the Internet of Things are expected to have the biggest impact upon the future of the food supply chain, according to a survey conducted by SCM World in 2014. Watch this six minute educational video on these and other tools and technologies. Hosted by Pierfranscesco Manenti from the 2015 Universal Exposition in Milan, which focused on Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life. 



The SCM World Community is an organization that works to advance the profession of supply chain. Its’ vision is to shape the future of supply chain for consumers, for business and for the benefit of society.  

Source + watch the video.


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