7 Nov

ADM Pack Ex Toronto 2023

ADM Pack Ex Toronto 2023

Worximity will be part of Canada’s only dedicated packaging event for suppliers and buyers to discover innovation, engineer new technology, and build a better tomorrow. Come meet us at booth #1805 ADM Pack Ex Toronto 2023. Find out how efficient your shop floor can be with Worximity production performance solution.

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Connected Workforce
Jun 2019

Worximity recrute à Paris

Myriam Laganière, conseillère en ressources humaines de Worximity a participé aux Journée Québec les 1-2 juin 2019 à Paris pour recruter des développeurs.

Jun 2018

Winners of the McRock IIoT Awards 2018 Announced

McRock IIoT Entrepreneur of the Year This award is presented to an individual that has experienced success in the IIoT as a founder and/or business leader in setting strategy, a developer creating a product, and everything in between. Worximity president & founder, Yannick Desmarais, is awarded the McRock IIoT Entrepreneur of the Year 2018.

Artificial Intelligence
Connected Workforce
Smart Factory
Sep 2019

Conférence Valorial’Morning

Worximity participe avec Isatech à Valorial’Morning, Usine et IoT : vos équipes prennent le pouvoir grâce aux donnés par Valorial à Rennes, France.
