16 Jul

Video-Benefits of Industry 4.0 in beverage factories

Video from Drinktec 2017 on the impact of I4.0 and the industrial internet of things on the beverage, drink, and liquid food industry.

Food Manufacturing IIoT
Industry 4.0
Smart Factory
Video-Benefits of Industry 4.0 in beverage factories

A video testimonial from Drinktec 2017, the world's leading trade fair for the beverage & liquid food industry

Andreas Gschrey, Director of Digitalization and Data Development of Krones says, "The issue of digitalization is very, very diverse. In this case we represent the smaller batch sizes which are possible with digitalization. And the market is also moving that way. With the smaller batch sizes, we focus on our customers and also on the end user. More and more diverse products are being requested, and with our machines such a production is possible. "  















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