24 Feb

Using OEE Data Collection Software to Increase Productivity

Using manual data entry to collect production line data? You're missing out on efficiency opportunities. Learn how OEE data collection software helps.

Using OEE Data Collection Software to Increase Productivity

Collecting production line data has always been challenging for manufacturers, and especially for food processors. With a typical manual system, daily productivity information is gathered by writing counts, volumes, feeds, speeds, and other data on forms either by line employees or by employees tasked with gathering this information.   

Once the information is posted, these data collection forms are sent to a central office where production measures, volumes, line operating times, and productivity metrics are calculated. Performance reports are then prepared and distributed to supervisors and managers.

Manual Data Collection Systems Have Inherent Problems

When performance data is collected manually, line supervisors and managers face a number of data-related problems. Among these are recording errors, calculation errors, time lags between data collection and results, and the lack of access to essential results.  

Unfortunately, production data collected manually often contain errors and omissions that skew report results. Mistakes made during data collection and report prep produce incorrect results, which can impact operating decisions. Error types arising from manually collected data include illegible data entries, inaccurate estimates, incorrect production line numbers, and typos when keying information. Further, during the process of calculating overall performance, other human errors such as miscalculations, misread figures, and erroneous computations can negatively impact results.

Because manually gathered data is often only a sampling of actual performance, the resulting reported calculations may not represent a real picture of the line performance. The time lag between data collection, calculation of performance reports, and distribution of completed results can mean the data is outdated by the time it reaches users. These problems may cause managers and users to hesitate when making crucial operating decisions. 

Finally, the distribution of reports may be limited to small groups of employees, leaving other employees in the dark as to actual levels of performance. Excluded employees may misunderstand why line changes are being made. Historical trends, metric comparisons, and past performance levels can be challenging because past reports may be difficult to retrieve from bulky three-ring binders and overstuffed filing cabinets. This slows down valuable audits and other historical comparisons.

Data Collection Software Addresses These Problems

OEE data collection software integrated with online equipment sensors can reduce or eliminate problems with manual performance reporting. Worximity Technology Inc. provides fast, simple, and low-cost systems to gather and monitor production line data in real time.

Through innovation and engineering excellence, Worximity’s Smart Factory analytics system uses TileConnect machine sensors to gather and transmit performance data in real time from production equipment. Analytical software calculates metrics, such as OEE, and post results to TileBoards (dashboards) for review by production line employees and managers.

Real-time OEE data collection systems, such as those offered by Worximity, deliver advanced capabilities, including the following:

  • Machine data collection sensors (TileConnect Sensors) capture a high volume of accurate performance data in real time.
  • Immediate processing of data eliminates the time lag between actual line production and metrics calculations. 
  • Line problems appear in real time, allowing managers to identify and correct issues immediately. 
  • More and better data provides the information needed to produce a more in-depth analysis of line performance. 

Smart Factory analytics software addresses the problems of manual data gathering through real-time data collection and analysis. Worximity’s system can be installed in one day, and it is reasonably priced. Benefits begin almost immediately, and payback is quick. Contact Worximity for more information and a demonstration.

Improved Productivity Arises from Better and More Useful Data

When reported results from the production line can be counted on to represent what is happening, managers are in a position to make better decisions and execute actions with confidence. Changes in performance are immediately reflected in reported metrics, so managers can make quick line adjustments to keep production on track.


Once Smart Factory analytics software is installed, continuous improvement programs can be initiated and the results tracked using real-time performance metrics. For example, Worximity's Smart Factory analytics tracks and reports production line OEE values. Using OEE results, line efficiencies can be improved with a corresponding increase in throughput. Benefits resulting from the implementation of monitoring software include the following:

  • Real-time results allow for quicker reaction times when responding to deteriorations in performance.
  • More reliable data means better improvement decisions. Employees have greater confidence in the results and increased motivation to act.
  • The collection of downtime amounts and causes drives downtime improvements.
  • Historical data can be analyzed for “hidden” improvement opportunities.                                                                                    
  • Monitoring data trends allows for tracking benefits of improvement efforts.  

Using software systems such as Worximity’s Smart Factory analytics, companies can eliminate manual data collection and gather and analyze data in real time. Rapid implementation of on-line data collection systems means the presentation of production line performance can begin immediately. Systems such as Worximity’s Smart Factory analytics software allow food processors and manufacturers to graduate from slow, mistake-prone manual systems to rapid, real-time collection and analysis of productivity performance. Request a demo with Worximity today.

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