20 Feb

The Manufacturer Review: What are manufacturers’ chief concerns?

Machine monitoring is a big trend and manufacturers are looking for solutions and technologies to connect their machines and to gather relevant production data in real-time.

Lean Manufacturing
Machine Monitoring
The Manufacturer Review: What are manufacturers’ chief concerns?

Machine monitoring is a big trend and manufacturers are looking for solutions and technologies to connect their machines and to gather relevant production data in real-time. In this recent article from The Manufacturer, the main concerns of manufacturer regarding implementing connectivty are presented.

"Manufacturing optimisation, higher levels of customisation, additional, complementary services and flexibility are every bit as important as developing new products and entering new markets.
And yet, nearly two-thirds of SME manufacturers state that implementing digital – or Fourth Industrial Revolution-related – technology isn’t a priority for their business." - Jonny Williamson 1/25/2018

A recent study conducted by The Manufacturer Oracle | Netsuite explored executives’ concerns regarding the implementation of factory connectivity. 


SOURCE: https://www.themanufacturer.com/articles/factory-connectivity-what-are-manufacturers-chief-concerns/

We also found that interesting top 10 innovations leaders are focused on in 2018. Which ones concern you as well?

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