22 Aug

Podcast: What to Expect at IMTS 2018

Manufacturers take note--IMTS is the Americas’ largest manufacturing show and it takes place from September 10 to 15, 2018, in Chicago. Listen to Jason Zenger and Jim Carr of the Making Chips podcast discuss IMTS 2018 with Peter Eelman.

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Podcast: What to Expect at IMTS 2018

The International Manufacturing Technology Show (IMTS,) is the Americas’ largest manufacturing show. The 32nd edition will take place from September 10 to 15, 2018, in Chicago, and attracts buyers and sellers from 117 countries.


On Episode 142: Community, Growth, Technology of the Making Chips Podcast, hosts Jason Zenger and Jim Carr interview Peter Eelman, Vice President of Exhibition and Business Development for The Association of Manufacturing Technology (AMT,) who has been involved with IMTS for 40 years. 


Learn more about IMTS.

Source + listen to the podcast.



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