10 Dec

IoT Investments for Big Savings

Turning towards smart factory technologies will take you a long way in the era of the 4.0. Discover how Irish bakery, the Bretzel Bakery, have improved their business with IoT technologies.

Food Manufacturing IIoT
IoT Investments for Big Savings

Investing in smart factory technologies can take you a long way by making you reach considerable savings. Amongst the oldest artisan bakery in Dublin, the Bretzel Bakery opted for an operation intelligence portal to support efforts towards reducing costs and adhering to rigorous sustainability targets. In essence, this technology collects live data from 45 IoT sensors place across the factory and compiles this information into an easily accessible online report. Through the 30 000 data points that are captured per week, the platform can detect and alert when the production differs from pre-determined standards as well as identifying areas of improvement like the optimal way to use gas an electric ovens for instance.



Some of the benefits that Bretzel Bakery have seen from implementing this technology to their business lie in considerable electricity savings through oven monitoring and quality assurance with the monitoring of dough temperatures.

Read more right here about the company's experience with IoT technology and the impacts of smart manufacturing.

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