11 Jul

Executives and the Transformative Digital Experience in IIoT

Transformative digital experiences at all levels in IIoT

Food Manufacturing IIoT
Industry 4.0
Smart Meat Processing
Executives and the Transformative Digital Experience in IIoT

Giving senior leaders first-hand experience with lean management processes in combination with digital tools can help to kickstart the digital transformation process. 

The article, "A transformative experience for leading a transformation," from McKinsey & Company Operations says that leaders who work with lean management approaches in the day-to-day are best equipped to speak to the power of continuously improving quality and productivity.

By giving senior leaders and executives the experience of witnessing transformational change from the ground level using the techniques of lean management, continuous improvement, and the tools of IIoT or Industry 4.0, even stronger results for the business and for customers can be achieved. When you bring executive leaders in to experience these processes, "a capability-center experience provides a compelling introduction to the impact of transformational change."

The successful scenarios in the article speak the modes of productivity that can occur when a team combines organizational direction, experience, culture, and technology to contribute to the digital transformation process.  

Source + read the complete article. 



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