29 Nov

Baking Industry 4.0 : Cookies

This is the third article of our mini series - Get to know the historical French company, La Biscuiterie de l'Abbaye, and how they've incorporated the Worximity technology to the production of their famous sablés.

Industry 4.0
Baking Industry 4.0 : Cookies

The beautifully authentic story of the Sablé de l'Abbaye began over a century ago in a bakery from a small village in Normandy, where the delicious goodies were baked in between two batches of bread for locals and soldiers out at the front. Our French cousins from La Biscuiterie de l'Abbaye embarked on their commercial biscuit baking journey in 1964. As early as 1968, the Sablé de l'Abbaye received the Intersuc blue ribbon - a recognition for the quality and originality of a product.They now produce 250 different recipes of authentic Normand shortbreads, ranging from conventional to organic and dietetic, which they produce for their own brand and large distribution. Last year, the company produced 7200 tons of cookies for a revenue of 41 million euros.



A New Chapter to the Story

In the Spring of 2018, that's when La Biscuiterie de l'Abbaye let us be a part of their story and, through our French distributor Isatech, welcomed Worximity into their factory for a three-month trial. Satisfied with the results they've obtained, this past September, they officially installed a total of seven TileConnects sensors on their three production lines. Furthermore, the company easily exports the data collected with our TileBoard software into their ERP software, Microsoft Dynamics. 

Marc Lebeaudy, IT Director is confident towards La Biscuiterie's future as a smart manufacturer:

"With the Worximity solution, we are hoping for an OEE gain of 5 percent."



Just like La Biscuiterie de l'Abbaye did, experience the benefits derived from implanting Industry 4.0 technologies in your factory by starting your two-month trial. You'll see conclusive results in no time!

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