5 Jun

Advanced Deep Learning AI Heatmap

Insight into the areas within specific sectors where deep neural networks can potentially create the most value.

Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Deep Learning AI Heatmap

From a recent article "Notes from the AI frontier: Applications and value of deep learning" McKinsey shared this Advanced Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Techniques Heatmap. The McKinsey team collated and analyzed more than 400 use cases across 19 industries and nine business functions. They provided insight into the areas within specific sectors where deep neural networks can potentially create the most value, the incremental lift that these neural networks can generate compared with traditional analytics (Exhibit 2), and the voracious data requirements—in terms of volume, variety, and velocity—that must be met for this potential to be realized. 


McKinsey - Advanced Deep Learning Artificial Intelligence Techniques Heatmap


SOURCE: https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/artificial-intelligence/notes-from-the-ai-frontier-applications-and-value-of-deep-learning?cid=eml-app#part3


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