25 Sep

2019 Software NowHow Conference

Worximity is a speaker to Marel 2019 Software KnowHow user conference in Kansas City on September 25-26, 2019.

Industry 4.0
Conférence "Software NowHow" 2019

Worximity is a speaker to Marel 2019 Software KnowHow user conference in Kansas City on September 25-26, 2019. Worximity is pleased to be part of this summit and honored by being able to share knowledge of the Industry 4.0.

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Une main-d'œuvre connectée
septembre 2018

Worximity sera à la journée carrières en génie et informatique de l'Université de Sherbrooke

Venez nous rencontrer à la Journée carrières en génie et informatique de l'Université de Sherbrooke le 12 septembre de 12h à 16h!

Une main-d'œuvre connectée
Juin 2019

Worximity recrute à Paris

Myriam Laganière, conseillère en ressources humaines de Worximity a participé aux Journée Québec les 1-2 juin 2019 à Paris pour recruter des développeurs.

Juin 2018

Winners of the McRock IIoT Awards 2018 Announced

McRock IIoT Entrepreneur of the Year This award is presented to an individual that has experienced success in the IIoT as a founder and/or business leader in setting strategy, a developer creating a product, and everything in between. Worximity president & founder, Yannick Desmarais, is awarded the McRock IIoT Entrepreneur of the Year 2018.
