4 Jun

Stats about the Future of Manufacturing with IIoT

New Gen Apps share a great infographic about the future of manufacturing IIoT and how smart manufacturing technologies are easy to deploy and can get you a quick ROI

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Statistiques sur l'avenir de la fabrication grâce à l'IIoT

We came across New Gen Apps' infographic about the Future of Manufacturing with IoT.



We share the most relevant stats with you:

  • 60% of global manufacturers will use analytics data tracked using connected devices to analyze and optimize processes
  • Only one-third business leaders understand IIoT (36%) and just 7% are able to implemented it.
  • $70B would be invested by manufacturers in Industrai Internet of Things by 2020
  • which will lead to a 50% decrease in product development and assembly costs.
Want to learn more?
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