28 Aug

How Improving Throughput Quickly Changed this Manufacturer's Future

Improving throughput can be a game changer for a manufacturing business. Learn how one company changed their future with this case study!

Continuous Improvement
Comment l'amélioration du rendement a rapidement changé l'avenir des manufacturiers

Improving throughput is a prime mover for manufacturing businesses who want to improve their financial performance. This case study can give you an idea how improving throughput affected a real company and changed this manufacturer’s future for good.

Throughput is one of the most important metrics in a manufacturing environment. It tells us how much material our machines, and plant as a whole, can process during a set amount of time. Throughput is closely related to efficiency, which tells us how well our production plant is performing and using its' machinery. Throughput can be challenging to improve, but once the effort has been made to do so, the results can be very beneficial.

Première Moisson is a real life example of how improving throughput can change a manufacturer’s future for good. By investing in Worximity Smart Factory Analytics technology, Première Moisson increased its productivity by 58% within a year!

Première Moisson, a leader in the bakery and pastry industry, had major investments planned to automate its production lines. With such upcoming improvements, Première Moisson needed to ensure that production efficiency stayed high to generate ROI.

Senior management at Première Moisson had specific goals in mind when searching for solutions. They needed production data to be accessible from anywhere and at any time in order to have greater control over production lines. They also wanted employees to be informed in real-time of any incidents and discontinuities in the production plant via alarms and immediate emails.

Implementing Worximity Smart Factory Analytics, Première Moisson installed TileConnect to smart sensors at the end of bread and pastry lines. These high-accuracy optical sensors are able to gather production rate data in real time and send them to TileBoard for easy visualization. Collecting and studying this information allowed Première Moisson to take important steps towards improvement.

The outcome was very positive, with some key improvements being:

  • 29% decrease in the amount of downtime
  • 70% decrease in length of downtimes
  • 6% decrease in direct labor cost per unit
  • 6,612 extra units produced per month

Worximity proved to be a great solution for Première Moisson. Worximity provides continuous production insight that helps this company to act fast and make the right decisions. Première Moisson was able to improve its throughput by analyzing its production rate and machinery downtime and utilizing that data to optimize the system. Improving throughput generates diverse beneficial results at a production plant, as seen above. These results show how important throughput is as a core metric in manufacturing, which makes investment in improving it a must.

To learn more, you can get the case study here.

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