12 Jul

Why you should monitor giveaway in real time your factory

Giveaway and overproduction are one of the major processing wastes and can be very costly if left unaccounted for. Have you considered monitoring giveaway in your factory?

Industry 4.0
Machine Monitoring
Smart Factory
Smart Meat Processing
Pourquoi vous devez surveiller les dons en temps réel dans votre usine ?

Giveaway and overproduction are one of the major processing wastes and can be very costly if left unaccounted for. Quantifying and qualifying overproduction is crucial to maintain a profitable and high quality product. Connecting a scale or a checkweigher easily allows automatic data collection for giveaway KPIs.What will your approach to overproduction be? Consider comparing solutions, reviewing case studies, and then learn more about Worximity's Giveaway Monitoring Tool.

Connect your scale and checkweigher

Closely track unit weight at different stages of the process, from initial portion control to finished, packaged weight.

Track your giveaway

Track your overproduction in real-time to analyze and adjust process with live data. Keep an eye on your KPIs to monitor weight, value and ratio of your giveaway.

Reduce overproduction in your factory

Reduce waste, increase productivity, quality and profitability as part of a succesfull continuous improvement initative.


“The advantage with TileBoard is that you can identify the precise aspects to improve for a more efficient production. Data is the key. The more we have easy access to crucial information, the more efficient we will be." 








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