An article published on the Food Industry Executive website presents 3 obstacles preventing food manufacturing to embrace IIoT.
Security and proprietary information
Food manufacturers are particularly wary of hooking their machines up to the Internet and putting their data in the cloud. Most of the security concerns revolve around the possibility that competitors could steal a company’s data and thus gain access to proprietary information

Old equipment
Food facilities are aging. Many of today’s plants were built decades ago, before the IIoT was a twinkle in anyone’s eye. And the equipment in them can be just as old. Can a company implement IIoT technologies without having to invest in entirely new systems and processes?
Talent shortage
Food manufacturers are already facing a skills shortage for jobs that already exist in their companies — like service and maintenance technicians. Even if they do implement IIoT technologies, who will be able to turn the data into actionable business intelligence?