16 Aug

10 Montreal Tech Groups to Watch

Montreal is home to a strong IIoT community which includes other tech start-ups, investors, non-profit groups, employees, journalists and others making important contributions to AI and other digital innovations. Worximity is happy to be part of this community.

Artificial Intelligence
Industry 4.0
Smart Factory
10 Montreal Tech Groups to Watch

Back in the spring, Chris Herbert from Silicon Halton and Mi6 Agency interviewed Scott MacDonald of McRock Capital in the lead up to the 2018 IIoT Symposium that took place in Montreal in June. While IIoT industry leaders might not envision Canada a "hotbed of IIoT innovation compared to Silicon Valley," Herbert said, "the best-kept secret, is due in part to McRock Capital... and the hub is in Canada." Montreal is home to a strong IIoT community which includes, more broadly, other technology start-ups and investors, organizations, employees, journalists and other groups making important contributions to AI and other digital innovations. Worximity is happy to be part of this community. Below is a list of just a few of the Montreal groups and organizations helping people to develop and make these contributions. In no particular order.

10 Montreal tech groups to watch 


Built in Montreal: An online resource for Montreal startups, entrepreneurs, investors and community groups.

Notman House: A technology hub that provides office, event, and communal space for startups, investors, technology partners, and community groups.

Montreal Girl Geeks: Monthly get-togethers aimed at making technology accessible and interesting to all age groups and all people, particularly women. Events provide a welcoming atmosphere and a platform for learning in an informal environment.  

Ladies Learning Code: Adult programming that offers women (and men) hands-on, project-based learning experiences that are designed to give beginners the skills and confidence they need to become digital creators.


Montreal Python: It's mission is to promote the growth of a lively and dynamic community of users of the Python programming language. 




JS Montreal: Meet-ups that provide a place to talk about Javascript programming, share knowledge and meet other passionate folks.  

Tandem Launch: Scouts, accelerates, and commercializes early-stage technologies from the world's top universities in close partnership with major consumer electronics.


Tout le Monde UX: An inspirational gathering for passionate and interested enthusiasts gather to discuss and develop the practice of User Experience (UX).


RPM: All the things startups need - desks, offices, bandwidth, shared space, and nearby restaurants and coffee shops - in the heart of Montreal's rapidly growing tech community.


Montreal Startup Breakfast Club: Early morning monthly held event for casual networking.

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