16 Jan

What You Missed at CES 2019

Tech fanatics reunited earlier this month in Las Vegas at the Consumers Electronics Show to geek out on some of the most innovative technologies. Find out more about the most noteworthy products of the weekend!

Qu'est-ce que l'internet industriel des objets (IIoT) ?

Just like many of us who haven't had the opportunity to attend this year's edition of one the biggest tech rendez-vous, we thought we'd give you a small peek at the emerging inventions you missed out on. The Consumers Electronics Show was held in Las Vegas from January 8th to 11th and showcased hundreds of innovative new products in over 30 different categories. After coming across various recap articles and videos, we thought we'd share one from David Pierce, Wall Street Journal's tech columnist, for you to catch a glimpse of where the future is headed.



If you have a bit more time on your hands, click here to watch popular tech blog Engadget's Best Of compilation! 






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