21 Jun

IIot Talent - Worximity has the pleasure of welcoming Serge Payette to the Tribe

Serge Payette has recently joined the Wx tribe as Technical Leader of the Customer Success Team. Before joining Worximity's ranks, Serge held strategic positions at Ozone Wireless, Myriad Group AG, Nokia, Rogers, Microcell, Bell and Nortel on top of founding 5:45 AM, a telecommunications consulting firm.

IIot Talent - Worximity a le plaisir d'accueillir Serge Payette dans la Tribu

Has recently joined the Wx tribe as Technical Leader of the Customer Success Team. Before joining Worximity's ranks, Serge held strategic positions at Ozone Wireless, Myriad Group AG, Nokia, Rogers, Microcell, Bell and Nortel on top of founding 5:45 AM, a telecommunications consulting firm.


In an attempt to get to know Serge a bit better, the members of the tribe asked Serge a few spontaneous questions:


Why did you decide to come work for Worximity?


It was time to move on from the telecommunications industry and I wanted to explore other avenues that were not necessarily in keeping with the rather linear career path I had followed up until now.


When I was approached by Myriam, I immediately did some due diligence on the company and what I learned about the company spoke to me. The start-up aspect of the company, its accomplishments, the company's product, their expertise in the manufacturing industry with an emphasis on innovation, especially with big data and cloud computing, all of these things were particularly appealing to me.


Following my interviews with Myriam, Mathieu and Yannick, I was sold. I knew Worximity was the beginning of a new chapter in my career.



What was the most inspiring thing you did throughout the course of the last year?


I have just recently come back from a 6-month road trip, a once-in-a-lifetime experience. I have always been a huge fan of the outdoors but to be able to immerse myself into that lifestyle and environment for 6 months was just epic. To sleep in a camper, to take in the breathtaking landscapes and to basically follow the beat of the road allows you to take it all in and savour life's little pleasures. At a certain point in time, you forget you are on vacation and it becomes a way of life and you start to discover all these things about yourself that you didn't know existed - you finally get in touch with emotions that were bottled up inside. You become more conscious of the world around you, the state of the planet and where we are heading and of course, you make some memorable encounters.





Finally, on a more personal note, the trip brought my girlfriend and me closer together even though we were already close before the trip. When we got back, we joked about not being able to be at more than an arm length's distance from each other.


My top 3 highlights of the trip:


  1. My daughter met up with us in Yukon and we did some sea kayaking with icebergs
  1. Yukon, a place I dreamed of all of my life and that surpassed all of my expectations
  1. Utah's Zion National Park (Angels Landing)

If you are interested, you can consult my travel blog : Nomades à temps partiel.


How were your first weeks in our offices in Old Montreal?


The team was really welcoming and so my integration was easy. It was a team effort, everyone collaborated to help me become fully operational quickly and they shared their knowledge without hesitation. The work beat is really fast-paced and that was exactly what I was looking for.


What is your role in the Wx Tribe?


I am in charge of technical support and to optimize as much as possible client activation for the new clients.

Once the sensors are installed and the TileBoard dashboards are operational, my department is responsible for client integration and basically acting as a buddy to our clients to help them utilize their smart factory technologies efficiently and optimally - essentially, make the client happy. My goal is to make life easy for the client and ensure that the process is as transparent as possible.


What do you bring to the team?


My technical expertise and my extensive work experience. On top of my technical skills, I have team management skills and experience in crisis management. For example, I managed several serious crises stemming from technical problems which resulted in millions of subscribers' services being disrupted. I have confidence in my skills and do not crush under pressure, no matter what the situation is. I believe that there is a solution to every problem but it is fundamental to keep the lines of communication open with the client from the moment a problem is encountered to when it is resolved.


What most surprised you about our start-up?


The organization has a flatline structure, not super hierarchical, starting with Yannick, the CEO. I was told that it was a work environment where open communication was valued, that wasn't stifling and that you could voice your opinions and say what you have to say. And it's really like that. Every one is open-minded so we can bring new ideas to the table and have discussions, all of which are conducive to the company's advancement and growth. It's a healthy work environment.


It's a part of the company's DNA to question one's own ideas and no one claims holding the absolute truth. I hadn't yet experienced such an open-minded work environment.

What are some of the goals you have set for yourself for the next months?


I'd like to put into place a system that would enable us to take the pulse of our whole client base to then improve the thoroughness and reliability of our technologies and ultimately obtain constant feedback. Basically, to have numbers on which we can rely.


A few words to conclude?


I turned down other job offers to join the Tribe because I believed in the project and I was inspired by this new way of working. I had a gut feeling that this was the place for me and I followed my instincts. At Worximity, I am like a fish in water.


Welcome to our team Serge!

The Tribe is extremely happy to count you in its ranks.

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