3 Jul

How to Improve Baking Production with Industry 4.0

You can improve bakery production rates using Industry 4.0 software and hardware.

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Comment améliorer la production boulangère grâce à l'industrie 4.0 ?

As a bakery or snack foods manufacturer, how to improve bakery production is a core business challenge. We'll overview here how you can use the Worximity Tileconnect solution to improve the production of your bakeries.

Using the TileConnect, data can be collected from any machine in real time. Regulate oven heat, product feed rate, and ingredient ratios with unprecedented accuracy and efficiency. You can easily track important metrics for continuous improvement and pinpoint control over your bakery operations. Everyone from upper management to operators on the floor will have all the necessary data to continuously improve every level of your operation. Finally, advanced smart factory analytical software will shape your data into actionable insights to revolutionize your manufacturing. Learn about main causes of downtime and least profitable products to maximize productivity gains. Make your supply routes more efficient and ensure your clients receive the highest quality product.


To build a lean bakery operation and continuously improve your baking production, learn how an Industry 4.0 solution works here.


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Download the ebook
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