27 Jun

If You are Reading About Food Manufacturing News, You’re Likely Reading More About IoT

Food manufacturing news has been focused on IoT and the innovation that comes with it. Learn the benefits and what IoT can do for your food and beverage manufacturing company.

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Si vous lisez des nouvelles sur la fabrication de produits alimentaires, il est probable que vous en sachiez plus sur l'IdO.


With the demand for food and beverages rising and the price of production rising just as fast, companies are turning to IoT and the powerful solutions it can provide. At Worximity, we are providing the tools for companies to track every part of their operations. Catch bad products before they require a recall. Service machines only when they break and cause downtime. Here is what to expect when making the leap to Industry 4.0:

A New Kind of Skilled Worker

Where food and beverage manufacturers traditionally relied on operators to work the machines, IoT will replace much of that manual labor with super-efficient automation. But that doesn’t mean companies need to fire their workers. Rather, skilled workers should be retrained as problem solvers. Amed with an arsenal of data tools about every aspect of production, these workers will be key in driving the continuous improvement of operations

The Next Generation of Operators

As many of the current operators in food and beverage manufacturing begin to retire, there will need to be a big push in training new skilled workers, and IIoT is here to help. Consolidating data from an entire plant with ease allows new employees to quickly understand the intricate workings of food and beverage manufacturing. With the highly mobile tools available, skilled workers will be far easier to train, and be able to work with far more efficiency.

Updating the Old by Adding the New

While it may stop production shortly to get all sensors online, IIoT provides unprecedented opportunities to get a top-down view of a company’s operations. Many fear the risk of a hack when keeping sensitive data in the cloud, but a strong IT department will keep the data secure. The benefits of instant access to performance data for everyone form floor operators to company president is too big not to take.

For more information on how IoT will change food and beverage manufacturing click here!

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