3 Jul

How IoT Will Change the Future of the Food Industry

IoT can improve the future of the food industry by creating smart factories and allowing remote access to machinery, streamlining fixes to potential issues. This is the future of the food industry.

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Comment l'IdO va changer l'avenir de l'industrie alimentaire

At Worximity, we are always keeping an eye on the future of the food industry to better serve our customers and provide the best possible product. As a result, we came across this great article from Manufacturing Business Technology Magazine on how IoT will be used to drive the future of the food industry.

Here were our takeaways:

Innovate With Caution

Just because IoT can be used everywhere, it doesn’t mean its implementation shouldn’t be deliberate. Especially when instituting a product-as-service type of business structure, revenue requires efficient, dependable products to be financially successful. Choosing the right kind of data collection for a customer means an efficient, streamlined service that best fits their needs.

Improve Operator Experience  

With IoT, it is now easy to solve issues of remote access and synchronize manufacturers with many factories. Because food and beverage manufacturing must always be moving, it can be hard for the workers to take all the necessary shifts. With IoT, higher-level engineers can now work early and late shifts from home, instructing less skilled workers on how to fix problems as they arise. Additionally, IoT in food and beverage manufacturing makes it easier to connect machine data to cloud-based analysis.

Product-As-Service in Retail

As sensors become cheaper and smaller, it will become highly possible to include them in consumer products. Because of the great flexibility in these sensors, they will be able to retrofit old machines as well as be included in new ones. Providing this extra service to retail customers will not only provide new streams of revenue to companies but also positively impact customer productivity and experience.

For more information on this topic, read the original article here.

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