3 Jul

Food and Beverage Manufacturers Need to Make the Leap to IoT in Manufacturing

Explore the benefits IoT in Manufacturing can offer food and beverage manufacturers such as increased flexibility and ability to manage assets.

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Les fabricants de produits alimentaires et de boissons doivent passer à l'IdO dans la fabrication

As the leading provider of IoT solutions for food and beverage manufacturers, we at Worximity know how important digitizing your factory is to meeting the production demands of today’s world. In looking for the best ways to help our clients, we found a great article from AP Food Online on the subject. Here are our takeaways:

IoT Increases Flexibility in Manufacturing

Digitizing factories means hitherto unseen efficiency in changing operations. Digital batch management drastically reduces idle time by automating changeover. Additionally, digitization allows for rapid multi-site adoption of best practices. Now extra efficiency in one plant can lead to efficiency in every other. Finally, cloud-based automation means limited software and hardware is necessary on the ground, allowing a small support staff anywhere to be effective.



Managing Manufacturing Assets with IoT

Turning a company into a digitally integrated workplace means gaining the ability to shift decisions from reactive to proactive. Operators can receive notifications of imminent failure long before it occurs. Predictive modeling uses the data collection provided by IoT to return actionable insights that allow for continuous improvement without sacrificing speed and efficiency.

Altogether, incorporating IoT in food and beverage manufacturing maximizes machine efficiency, allows operators to quickly counter unexpected downtime, and greatly increase Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). It allows incredibly high efficiency as well as continuity across multiple plants while also being able to account for the inevitable deviations from location to location. IoT will all food and beverage manufacturers to increase uptime and productivity without extra capital input. It’s the only way to remain viable in such a tumultuous market.

For more on digitizing more food and beverage manufacturing, read the full article here

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