23 May

4 Quick Actions to Engage Your Teams in Industry 4.0

Four talent management approaches that manufacturers should focus on in the era of Industry 4.0.

Human Resources
Industry 4.0
Lean Manufacturing
Smart Factory
4 actions rapides pour impliquer vos équipes dans l'industrie 4.0

By investing in new 4.0 technologies, such as real-time dashboards and data analytics, manufacturers want productivity gains and a return on investment. In order to achieve these results, we must focus on humans who will optimize new technologies within factories. An article published on Industry Week presents 4 approaches to focus on talent management in the era of Industry 4.0.

1. Train champions of change

Any business will be able to change only when the employees who work there will have joined and adopted the change. Identifying change champions who will be responsible for the transformation can be a very cost-effective solution for organizations. According to the same article, about 15% of the workforce should be identified as champions of change and spread across the organization to strategic positions: supervisors, technical experts, and so on.

2. Build on the commitment of talents

Traditionally, decisions were made from the top down, employees had to do the work. In the era of Industry 4.0, manufacturers who rely on lean practices and technology environments have no choice but to collaborate with highly engaged employees who will take responsibility for their actions and who will have real willingness to move things forward. Committed employees within the companies will really innovate and make the transition to Industry 4.0. To do this, we must not limit ourselves to monetary bonuses that have a low impact in the short term, but rather devote ourselves to visionary and inspiring leadership, continuous feedback and recognition practices and development opportunities. interesting for the employees.


3. Recruit for development potential

Hiring has long been based on a balance between, on the one hand, the experience and skills of a candidate and, on the other hand, the needs of a position to fill. In an environment that is changing daily, innovative manufacturers must now hire for the potential for development and learning that candidates demonstrate. They must have key skills related to Industry 4.0. Internal hiring and promotion criteria must change quickly and mesh with the new business reality. The famous number of years of experience on a job posting may be out of date. Think about it!

4. Establish learning paths

Obtaining a leadership position within a company should not happen by chance, but rather should be the result of a rigorous process of learning and professional development. Manufacturers should be able to identify people who will take part in a development program, allowing them to climb the ladder.



In summary, manufacturing companies experience several organizational transformations and it is important that the human resources practices used be consistent with the new reality. Humans are definitely a factor of success or failure in the shift to Industry 4.0. It requires time and effort, but the return on investment will be much greater!


Download the ebook below for next steps! 



Source: 4 Ways to Transform Your People Strategy for Industry 4.0, Scott Erker, May 30, 2018, Industry Week



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